Vivien’s Pages in Nina’s book


This is Lindsay here. I offered to post these beautiful landscapes of Vivien’s in Nina’s book for Ronell who is feeling under the weather.  Ronell, I hope you are feeling better soon. Hugs and kisses…..

Vivien’s amazing strip landscapes defy gravity. This is the most unusual format I’ve ever seen for landscapes and I’m amazed at just how much information Vivien is able to pack into  this format.

I can’t seem to load in the third page where Ronell has overlapped her work around Vivien’s work…drat. Casey, I’ll have to ask your help by email.

Ronell’s Page TWO books

Ronell’s pages in Glen’s book part one


Ronell’s pages in Glen’s book part two


Ronell’s pages in Nina’s book

Sorry for such a long delay in posting these beautiful pages by Ronell. The day before I left for vacation I had not a clue what I’d do in Glen’s book, let alone Nina’s book which popped though my mail slot not a moment too soon.  I’m really glad I did not work on Glen’s book before vacation because I had a really great idea for it while we were in California.  It’s now complete and heading for the post office tomorrow.  I also have an idea for Nina’s book but it will take just a bit longer to do. So, I’m taking a relaxed attitude about being late and know you’ll all understand. 

I’ve been thinking lots about you Vivien and sending you  cyber hugs. (((((Vivien))))

Vivien’s Cover


This is the cover of Vivien’s book. My addition is the stripe of color on the right hand side. If you look at Vivien’s Blurb book, she has several of these strip paintings on the back cover. I wanted to have a little visual talk back from her inspiration!


My link button is not working today so here is the address of Vivien’s book×240

Ronell’s Book Arrived Safely

Here is the first 2 1/2 pages of Ronell’s beautiful book. I’m not going to show you the cover so you will have a surprise, but I will tell you that the binding is an inspiring variation of the concertina format. I could almost smell the flowers in Ronell’s garden as I opened the package… but it was probably the wax finish on the cover.  She polished the surface with silk. What luxury! Now, what shall I put in her book?



My Book and packing materials

Well, here it is. My book is ready to travel off to Italy. Robyn, I’ve made it nice and innocent, though it kills me not to decorate the package!  It could be legal documents. Tomorrow is a holiday so I’ll be sending this out on Tuesday.

In the end, I decided against sending the rusty bit of metal on the cover. It’s only a scan of the metal. It will feel less suspicious.